
The security of your club info is very important to us - we’ve set up a high-level security system to protect your valuable data.

Comprehensive security

We know how important it is for your data to be secure online. Friendly Manager is built to OWASP standards.

Seven levels of access

Friendly Manager has the ability for all your members, coaches and managers to have logins to your club. With our comprehensive levels of access, all your members will be able to view only the data that is appropriate to them.

Backups & redundancy

Friendly Manager backs up your data on a daily basis to ensure that if the unthinkable happens, nothing is lost. We use best-of-class industry-standard data storage protocols.

Password encryption

We want to ensure both you, your members, and all user's passwords are fully encrypted according to the latest security standards. If the unfortunate does happen and you forget your password, you can reset this yourself, or our friendly support team can assist you.

Secure connection

When you connect to Friendly Manager all your internet communication (website, registrations, logins, and general use of Friendly Manager) is transmitted using the bidirectional HTTPS encryption process.

Retain ownership

Your club's data is your club's property. You can export your data as a CSV file whenever you need to at the click of a button. We will never hold your data ransom, sell your data, or make it available to third parties.

Data storage

The data is all stored securely on AWS cloud based servers equipped with industry standard security and control systems.

Credit card data

Friendly Manager does not retain credit card data. All credit card transactions are completed and held with the PCI Level 1 Security accredited payment gateway our prefered payment gateway is Stripe.

See how Friendly Manager Can help you!

Ready to take your sports club to the next level? Look no further!
Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.